Hello, how are you. If you are from some where out side of the UNITED STATES please leave me a message either on my message board in " My Contact-info " or on my blog.  It is awsome to know this site gets viewed by more people than just the U.S. So any little message to prove to others would be wonderful and thank you for your support.


   I hope you enjoy what you see and feel free to ask for prices or questions and answers.  As of right now I work out of my house. I have been known to set up at parties, I do discounts for parties depending on distance and amount of work to be done.

    I am  BLOOD BORNE  PATHOGEN certified. As you can see in ( Certificates ) I work in a clean environment and use only disposable tubes,  needles and ink cups.  

     Everything that touches the customer is a one time use throw away, nothing is reused.

     Price is based on size, placement on body and time used for detail work. Compaired to high priced shops, I'm like half the price for the same quality work.

     My specialty as you can see ( Tattoo Pics) are medium to small things. I will post more pics later. I have and also still do larger pieces just ask.

     I never got into tattooing for the money, its like having a hobby you get paid to do. Supplies do cost and everything I use is disposable to be EXTRA  SAFE . You can never be to cautious or safe, you only have one chance at life .

 Feel free to look around and tell me what you think.

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